THC is the psychoactive component in marijuana that stays in your system for many days, weeks, or even months, depending on the method of consumption, frequency, metabolism, and body composition.

Among the most popular ways of taking cannabis, dabbing and vaping are two popular options. They both have different strengths, but their mode of absorption is wildly different.

Understanding Dabbing and Vaping

Dabbing is smoking super concentrated marijuana extract, either in the form of wax or shatter, using a dab rig. Because dabs contain exponentially more THC than hemp flowers, they hit the bloodstream far faster and far harder, causing a higher peak concentration level for a much longer period.

Vaping generally involves the use of a vape pen or vaporizer to heat cannabis oil or flowers. Again, vaping can deliver THC quite rapidly, although the concentration will be lower compared to dabbing, and its effects may be shorter-lived. However, consistent vaping can contribute to prolonged retention of THC in the body.

THC Detection Windows in Drug Tests

The amount of time that THC stays in the body depends on the type of drug test:

  • Urine Test: This is the most common method for detecting THC, and THC metabolites are detectable between 3 and 30 days. Casual users will take at least a week to test positive, whereas frequent or heavy consumers—especially dabbers—may retain THC for one month or longer.
  • Blood Test: Since THC is highly absorbed in the bloodstream, its presence can be seen in a few hours up to a couple of days. Dabbing’s high potency will only delay this window slightly, but blood tests are rarely used for long-term detection.
  • Saliva Test: Since THC can be detected in saliva for up to 24 hours, the length of detection might be longer in cases of frequent and heavy use, up to 72 hours.
  • Hair Follicle Test: THC metabolites can stay for as long as 90 days in the hair follicle. This represents the largest detection window for any form of cannabis use.

Factors Determining THC Presence

There are various factors determining the length of THC presence in the body:

  • Frequent Use: The more frequent use of cannabis will result in THC staying in your body longer. Heavy dabble users will experience longer windows.
  • Metabolism: A person with a faster metabolism can facilitate the breaking down and removal process of THC within the body.
  • Body Fat Percentage: It remains in the fat cells; a higher percentage of body fats retain THC for a longer time.
  • Hydration and Diet: Higher intake of water and healthy dieting contribute to overall detoxification by the body itself.
  • Method of Consumption: Dabbing has higher THC concentration entry into the body compared to vaping, which might prolong the time required to flush it out.
    Removing THC from Your Body.

To flush out THC in your system faster, consider the following:

  • Hydration: Drinking more water can facilitate the flushing of THC metabolites out of your system, though excessive water drinking will not make it happen sooner.
  • Exercise: Exercise, especially cardio, increases the metabolic rate and aids in burning fat where THC is stored. However, exercise might temporarily increase THC levels in the bloodstream as fat stores release THC.
  • Diet: A healthy diet with rich fibre, antioxidants, and lean proteins can also help the body in detoxing.
  • Time: In the end, natural metabolism and excretion are the best ways to flush out THC. It is at your body’s pace, metabolizing and excreting THC.

Final Words

Dabbing and vaping expose your system to THC in different ways, which affects how long it stays detectable. Because of its potency, dabbing tends to have a longer detection period than vaping.

However, individual factors, such as metabolic rate, body fat percentage, and use frequency, must be noted because they play a vital role in determining THC retention. Knowing these factors may help you estimate how long it will take for THC to remain in your system when you expect a drug test and prepare appropriately.
